"Reinforced Snake Knot" also named "Jingang Knot"(金刚结).
1. One cord with two-way, the up one is green cord, the down one is red cord;
2. Use the green cord make a clockwise circle(I called this is first green clockwise circle), then use the red cord through this circle;
7. Use the red cord wrap the second green clockwise circle, then make an anticlockwise circle, I called this is the second red anticlockwise circle.
8. Tight the second green clockwise circle, keep the second red anticlockwise circle as untight;
9. Overturn the knot, keep the green cord as up, but red cord as down; Use the green cord wrap the second red anticlockwise circle, then make an anticlockwise circle; I called this is the third green anticlockwise circle;
10. Tight the second red anticlockwise circle, keep the third green anticlockwise circle as untight;